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Dog Collar Safety: What Pet Parents Should Know

A blue dog collar by Little Barks Boutique
Dog Collar Safety: What pet parents should know

At LITTLE BARKS, we prioritize the safety of your beloved pets. We understand that the topic of dog collars and their safety may raise some concerns. However, we are dedicated to providing you with open and transparent safety information to ensure the well-being of your furry companions, while also adding a touch of style.

It is essential to note that dogs should wear collars under supervision only. This means that your dog's collar should be removed when they are crated, playing with another dog, or left unsupervised in your home.

While we can all agree that dogs should always wear collars with current ID tags, it is vital to be aware of potential hazards associated with wearing collars in certain situations. I, too, held the belief that dogs should always wear collars until a startling incident occurred with my own pet. My dog's ID tag became entangled in the wires of his crate, prompting me to reevaluate collar safety. One effective solution to avoid such hazards is to have ID information embroidered directly onto the collar, eliminating the need for tags.

In situations where dogs are engaging in playful interactions, it is advisable to remove collars. A prime example is when both dogs are wearing collars and one playfully pulls on the other dog's collar. Suddenly, the unfortunate entanglement occurs, causing panic and potential choking. Fortunately, in such situations, a harness may serve as a suitable alternative, especially for dogs frequenting pup parks.

If the idea of your four-legged friend going collar-less makes you uncomfortable, there are break-away collars available in the market. These collars resemble regular flat buckle collars and even provide space for ID tags. The distinguishing feature of break-away collars is their ability to unsnap and release your dog should it become snagged on an object.

Over the past 15 years, break-away collars have undergone significant improvements. In their early days, the break-away mechanism was overly sensitive, leading to frequent unintentional unsnapping. However, with advancements in design and technology, break-away collars now serve as an excellent safety option. Many models are versatile, featuring two D-rings that can be used during leash walks, temporarily disabling the break-away function. Once the leash is removed, the break-away feature is reactivated.

As with any tool or accessory, there are both advantages and disadvantages, as well as safe and unsafe situations. Therefore, it is crucial to reiterate that dogs should wear collars under supervision only. Whether your dog is crated, playing with other dogs, or left unsupervised, removing their collar ensures their safety and well-being.


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